

// You're about to take your first programming quiz!

Before you move onto the quiz, we want to talk about something you'll see quite often throughout this course: comments!

You can use comments to help explain your code and make things clearer. In JavaScript, comments are marked with a double forward-slash //. Anything written on the same line after the // will not be executed or displayed. To have the comment span multiple lines, mark the start of your comment with a forward-slash and star, and then enclose your comment inside a star and forward-slash /* … */.

// this is a single-line comment

this is
a multi-line

Some of the quizzes in this course might include comments that give you hints or instructions to complete the quiz. Comments are often used to clarify and document non-obvious code. It's good practice to include code comments to improve code readability.

Alright, good luck!